Age-related crises

Every child experiences “the blues” every once in a while, but when the sadness becomes relentless, it could manifest into depression. Depression can affect a child’s personal life, school work, and social or family life. Children, versus adults, can develop depression based on additional factors like peer pressure and changing hormone levels. It’s important to […]
How to help children manage their emotions?

This article presents some techniques, tips, and statistics to help children manage their emotions and apply them to their daily lives.
How to help children overcome conflict situations?

This material will help parents understand how to help children deal with conflicts
How to improve children’s communication skills

Children’s communication skills can greatly affect their quality of life. Here are some steps and tips that can help children develop their communication skills.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Child Development

The importance of children’s emotional development cannot be underestimated. For about 15-20 percent of children, difficulties with emotional intelligence (EQ)