We came to tell from marketing
what do you know about marketing, it’s a very broad concept, isn’t it…
Today we are going to talk about the common myth, which is why many start-ups give up their weapons within the first year.
Well, are you ready? we started the discovery!
As we said. today we will talk about what start-up businesses can afford and what large businesses can afford.
Let’s start with start-ups.
Let’s get an idea of what kind of problems and goals should be included in the strategy of small businesses.
Name of the company.
The logo of the company.
Endless list of services offered.
Assurance of the best quality of service and the best prices.
Providing free information.
Here is what needs to be achieved.
Let’s understand what businesses do that eventually fail.
They present a few facts about THEMSELVES and expect that after the ad is published, potential customers will immediately say:
- Oooh, this is what I need, this is what I was waiting for.
But let’s get down to reality, where it becomes clear that this is haphazard marketing, which very rarely works. that too by a small %.
These types of companies hope that one day someone will appear who will be really interested in their offer, and most importantly, they wait for months in this hope.
Have you already understood what kills the business?
Let’s see now, while some companies hide their FAILURES under the word 《Hope》, at the same time, how do SUCCESSES rise to fame?
They always use TARGET MARKETING
To start target marketing, you need to consider 2 important questions.
What is the purpose of your ad?
What does your ad focus on?
Let’s go back to business-killing marketing and see what business people usually list when asked what their business goals are.
Publicizing the name
familiarize with the product
promote sales
encourage people to use our service
Let’s agree that they are very different goals and to solve all these problems with one advertisement, you probably understood where they will reach, or rather, where they will not reach.
You must have heard the famous golden rule: “One ad, one goal”
By trying to accomplish several goals at the same time, you distract the client from your message.
And what to do?
Yes, this is exactly what will help you to achieve success slowly but surely.
Now let’s understand what are the most important points in direct marketing.
Encourage the prospect to show interest, which will help build a database, which is the most valuable asset in business.
Clarify what steps you expect from your future client.
We need to clearly indicate their next steps and what we will get in return.
Don’t forget to be helpful, you need to appear as an expert in their brains.
Make them talk about you.
Well, you learned something important today